Command Line Interface

There also exists a cli tool called hockey-scraper which can be used to pull data. Users may find this more convenient than using python directly for simple queries.

The usage for the tool can be found below:

usage: hockey-scraper [-h] [-t REPORTTYPE] [--shifts] [-d DATERANGE [DATERANGE ...]] [-s SEASONS [SEASONS ...]]
                  [-g GAMES [GAMES ...]] [-f FILEDIR] [-r] [-p]

CLI tool for the hockey_scraper project

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        Type of report to scrape. Either game or schedule.
  --shifts              Whether to include shifts.
                        Date range to scrape between.
  -s SEASONS [SEASONS ...], --seasons SEASONS [SEASONS ...]
                        Seasons to scrape.
  -g GAMES [GAMES ...], --games GAMES [GAMES ...]
                        Game IDs to scrape.
  -f FILEDIR, --fileDir FILEDIR
                        Whether to store scraped files. If the flag is specified and no argument is passed, a directory is created
                        in the root. If an argument is passed with the flag the files are stored there (assuming the directory
  -r, --rescrape        Whether to re-scrape pages already scraped and stored in --fileDir.
  -p, --preseason       Whether to scrape preseason data.


Interface for running cli commands


Run the appropriate command. Args already validated by this point.

Parameters:user_args – ArgumentParser object

Validate that the passed args are sufficient enough to call the corresponding scraping function. Detailed checks are done later by the packcage after the specific function is called.

Parameters:user_args – ArgumentParser object
Returns:Boolean indicating if args are good